
Quantitative Research Methods(...in images this time)

Research Methodology

Research methodologies

The quantitative research process

Qualitative research

Mixed methods

Theoretical Framework

Theoretical framework development

Theoretical framework

Research Design

Research design process

Research design perspectives


Variables in context

Questionnaire development

Profiling Populations


From population distributions to sampling distributions and back


The statistics process

House of Stats

From one sample to two samples

From one sample to many samples

Hypothesis Testing

Null/alternative hypothesis: There is / (is not) no elephant in the room

Type I and Type II errors

Reliability, valididy, and...

Cheat sheet of most common statistical methods

Advanced Methods

Clustering versus Factoring

Complete set of book images


Harkiolakis, N., Quantitative ResearchMethods: From Research To Publication, Create Space, Baltimore, 2017

More: Quantitative Research Methods