Course project: Souvlaki Taverna Simulation



Develop objects that represent objects in the real world.


Imagine you are thinking about opening a Souvlaki Taverna on a popular location. You need to decide how large the store should be and how many tables there should be. If you plan too small, customers will be turned away when there is insufficient space, and you will lose profits. On the other hand, if you plan too large, most of the seats will be unused, and you will be paying useless rent on the space and still lose profits. So you need to choose approximately the right number – but how do you decide?

You decide to do a simulation. You first examine similar operations in comparable locations and form a model that includes, among other factors, an estimation of the number of customers you can expect to arrive in any period of time, the length of time it will take a customer to choose a flavor and the length of time the customer will then sit at a table and eat ice cream. Based on this, you can design a simulation.

Objects in the simulation represent objects in the real world, and are programmed to react as much as possible as the real objects would react.  A priority queue is used to store a representation of “events” that are waiting to happen. This queue is stored in order, based on the time the event should occur, so the smallest element will always be the next event to be modeled. As an event occurs, it can spawn other events. These subsequent events are placed into the queue as well. Execution continues until all events have occurred or until a preset time for the simulation is exceeded.

To see how we might design a simulation of the souvlaki taverna, consider a typical scenario. A group of customers arrive at the taverna. From the measurements of similar stores we derive a probability that indicates how frequently this occurs. For example, suppose we assume that groups will consist of one to five people, selected uniformly over the range. (In actual simulations the distribution would seldom be uniform. For example, groups of size two and three might predominate, with groups of size one and groups larger than three being relatively less frequent. The mathematics involved in forming nonuniform distributions is subtle and not particularly relevant to our discussion. We will therefore use uniform distributions throughout.) These groups will arrive at times spaced from one to ten minutes apart, again selected uniformly. Once they arrive, a group will either be seated or see that there no seats and leave. If seated, they will take from 2 to 10 minutes to order, and once they order, they will remain from 15 to 35 minutes in the taverna. We know that every customer order from one to three souvlakis and that the store makes a profit of 35 euros on each souvlaki.

The primary object in the simulation is the taverna itself. It might seem odd to provide “behavior” for an inanimate object such as a taverna, but we can think of the taverna as a useful abstraction for the servers and managers who work in the taverna. The taverna manages two data items: the number of available seats and the amount of profit generated. The behavior of the store can be described by the following list.

·        When a customer group arrives, the size of the group is compared to the number of seats. If insufficient seats are available, the group leaves. Otherwise, the group is seated and the number of seats decreased.

·        When a customer orders and is served, the amount of profit is computed.

·        When a customer group leaves, the seats are released for another customer group.