Economics/Business 410 – Fall 2001




Instructor:  Dr. Nicholas Harkiolakis       

e-mail:    message phone:  6233307


Pre-requisites: CMPS 100


Course Description: 

Information systems viewed from needs of management. Organizational foundations of systems and their emerging strategic role. Introduction to real-world systems, with focus on their relationship to organizations and management. Technical foundations of information systems. Data processing, collection, storage, updating, and retrieval. Redesigning organizations using information systems, including reengineering of critical business processes. Capturing and distributing organizational knowledge and enhancing management decision-making. is placed on using information technology to redesign the organization's products, services, procedures, jobs and management structures.


Teaching Goals:

·     To show how development of essential information systems have create competitive firms, manage global corporations, and provide useful products and services to customers.

·     To identify management problems raised by systems and their solution

·     To show how the Internet and related technologies are transforming information systems and business organizations.

·     To describe the underline technology, capabilities, and benefits of the Internet, with expanded treatment of electronic commerce and Internet business models.


Learning Objectives:

The students will be able to:

·     Appreciate the necessity of information systems in managing modern organizations, in making them more competitive and efficient and in providing useful products and services to customers.

·     Identify organizational areas and structures that influence and are influenced by information systems.

·     Engage in electronic commerce and evaluate its importance in a modern society.

·     Study and design information systems.

·     Analyze decision making.

·     Familiarize themselves with modern topics like Intranets, Internet business models, network computers, supply chain management, systems for knowledge management, data mining  and knowledge discovery.


Course Requirements:

·     Class attendance and participation in discussions

·     Weekly homework assignments

·     In class assignments

·     Electronic commerce project

·     Group project. A description of both projects follows at the end of syllabus.

·     Final exam





Syllabus/Course Topics:

·     Introduction to information systems

·     The strategic role of information systems.

·     Information systems in business processes.

·     Information, management and decision making.

·     Computers and information processing

·     Software, data resources, telecommunications.

·     Internet and enterprise networking

·     Building information systems

·     Knowledge and decision making.


Computer Lab work

A hands on course: Use of  Access, SQL, Word and Internet.


Method of Evaluation

·     Class Attendance and Participation: 10%

·     Project 1:                                  20%

·     Project 2:                                  20%

·     Project 3:                                  20%

·     2 hour final exam:                        30%



Laudon C.K., Laudon P.J.,  Management Information Systems fifth edition, Prentice Hall , 1998.


Supplemental Readings

Lawrence, A. John, Pasternack, Barry,, Applied Management Science. A computer-Integrated Approach for Decision Making, Wiley, 1998.

McLeod, Jr.,R, Management Information Systems seventh edition, Prentice Hall, 1998.

Jackson, B.,B., Computer models in management , Irwin, 1979.


Projects for MIS 410-Fall Semester 2001


PROJECT   1 : Electronic commerce project



To develop a successful online storefront. For this semester the students will develop a consumer type of business. The consumer side of electronic commerce is the retail trade, where companies offer products for immediate purchase.



Each student will be assigned a shop from the list that follows and go through the process of researching the market, evaluate existing online stores and developing a proposal describing their online store. This should include the necessary software, hardware and Internet connection of their choice along with an estimated budget and predicted sales report. For the purposes of the project they will use the rest of the class for a consumer body. Also, build a database to implement the necessary data mining function that will boost the profit and  success of their online enterprise.

The following selection of online stores is not mandatory. The students make come up with their own proposal that will be discussed in class.


1.        Bookstore       

2.        Flower shop    

3.        Sportsware      

4.        Gift shop        


5.        Gourmet         

6.        Chocolate store 

7.        Liquer store     

8.        Grocery store   

9.        Travel agent     


10.      Games            

11.      Cars              

12.      Calalogs         

13.      CD store         

14.      Video store      

15.      Office support 

16.      Computers      

17.      Sports shoes    

18.      Auction house  

19.      Video games    

20.      Clothes          

21.      Kitch store      

22.        Electronics      


Due date:  Monday, October 22, 2001. Late submissions will not receive full grade.


PROJECT   2 : Evaluate the Internet Presence of an Industry



To analyze the Internet presence of an industry, to evaluate the effectiveness of their WEB page and to suggest improvements and alternatives for a more competitive presence. To identify keys that lead to successful use such as flexibility of browser and database structure, intuitive interface, content emphasis to specific users, needs and user involvement. For this semester the case studies will include insurance companies, banks, telecommunications and media.



The students should come up with ideas for the design and functionality of a WEB page that will provide a hypothetical company of their industry sector with a sustainable competitive advantage against the competition. Some of them can have either an offensive or a defensive flavor, as appropriate.

The students will be divided in 4 groups. Of each group two will study in detail the WEB pages of existing firms and find information about the structure, design, provider and expenses of building and maintaining the WEB page. A third student will undertake the job of combining everything in a report and the final student will play the role of spokesman that will present the report to the rest of the class in a PowerPoint format.


Due date: Monday, November 12, 2001. Late submissions will not receive full grade.


PROJECT  3 : Design the Information System of a Business



To analyze a business, to evaluate the information system and procedures that have been established thus far and to suggest improvements and appropriate strategic information systems for that particular business. For this semester the case studies will be the selected industries of the second project.



Each students will turn in a written report describing the procedures and methods used in researching and evaluating the information system of the organization under study. The written report will include the following :

·     An overview of the organization

·     Problem analysis

·     Solution description

·     Solution design

·     Impact analysis


Due date:  Monday, December 3, 2001. Late submissions will not receive full grade.